Uzbek cinema was founded in the mid 20s. During those years, the film-factory "Shark Yulduzy" was launched, which later in 1958 was renamed as "Uzbekfilm". Preparation of the national staff for the industry has later been launched. A number of documentaries, popular scientific and motion pictures such as "Pakhta-Aral" and "Tang oldidan" ("Before the dawn") were shot at that time. The "Klich" is said to have been the first film for children. Young generation of movie makers came on the scene: K. Yormatov, M. Qayumov, S. Khojaev, Z. Khamroev, I. Agzamov, A. Saidov, and others. In 1937 director A.Usoltsev shot the first Uzbek sound movie "The oath", Its cast included actors such as E. Bobojonov, A. Ismatov, L. Sarimsokova, and R. Pirmukhammedov.
In the 40s directors and actors from Moscow , Leningrad and Kiev worked alongside Uzbek moviemakers in the country. Jointly they shot several films, including "Nasriddin in Bukhara" and "Two fighters" directed by L. Lukov, which are still highly appreciated and loved by audiences. "Tokhir and Zukhra" (directed by N. Ganiev ) and "Alisher Navoi" (directed by K.Yormatov) are other famous movies of that period.
The 60s saw the arrival of a number of talented youth in the field, including directors - Sh. Abbosov, E. Eshmukhamedov , A. Khamroev, D. Salimov, T. Kamolova, A Kobulov, cameramen - Kh. Faiziev, Davron Salimov, D. Fatkhullin, the writer - 0. Aghishev, artists - E. Kalantarov, E. Pushin, B. Nazarov, A. Shibaev, S. Ziyomukhamedov, as well as composers such as R. Vildanov, E. Salikhov, F. Yanovsky, and others.
Given complexities of transition period to the market economy in 90s, the movie industry too has had some problems with regard to adjusting to new realities of doing business. Hence, the "Uzbekkino" Concern launched a massive program of adjustment and learned to navigate the waters of market competition.
Current processes speak about change of generations, who constantly search for new approaches in the field vis-a-vis new market realities, creation of such films, which combine qualities of art and attributes, that in their turn, would secure the coastant interest of audiences. Now, when the interest on the part of the public both in the national history and literature has increased, the filmmakers of Uzbekistan cover more topics, and employ various genre and styles, A wide spectrum of problems is highlighted in different movies. New products of "Uzhekfilm" are appreciated not only by local audiences, but also by foreign moviegoers.
The "Amir Temur", "Otgan kunlar" ("The gone-away days"), "Bomba" ("The bomb"), "Margbiyona", "Mpotnysh", "5agf'("The love"), "Otamdan qolgan dalalar" ("Lands of my father") are a few of new movies that achieved popularity.